First entrie pink fleshed unique trait nutritional rich radish variety. Released in 2013 by SVRC, Delhi for cultivation in Delhi & NCR. Medium root size, cylindrical shape, optimal yield and consumer preference over the existing varieties.
High total carotenoids, anthocyanins and optimal ascorbic acid. Maturity 55-60 days. Average yield 6.0 t/ha.

First purple fleshed unique trait nutritionally rich radish variety. Released in 2013 by SVRC, Delhi for cultivation in Delhi & NCR. Distinct advantage in root size, shape, yield and consumer preference over the existing varieties.
Higher anthocyanins and ascorbic acid. Maturity 55-60 bdays. Average yield 5.0 t/ha.
It is characterized by medium long, extra white, cylindrical roots suitable for sowing from September to November in North Indian Plains. It takes 50-55 days to marketable maturity. The average root weight is 200 g with about 40-45 t/ha root yield.
Its roots contain 34.84 mg/100 FW ascorbic acid, 4.200B TSS, 424.8 ppm phosphorus, 8.48 ppm calcium, 497.86 ppm sodium and 1.94 ppm zinc. Its roots contain 34.84 mg/100 FW ascorbic acid, 4.200B TSS, 424.8 ppm phosphorus, 8.48 ppm calcium, 497.86 ppm sodium and 1.94 ppm zinc.

It is a selection from introduced material from Denmark. Roots pure white, smooth, soft in texture, less pungent in summer sowings, 15-22 cm long, thick and stumpy; leaves entire, slightly lobed, dark green and upright. Only varieties stable for sowing from April-August in northern plains.
Maturity in 45 days. Yield 25 t/ha.