Pusa Vishal
Year of release 2000 . Adaptation : Zone NWPZ for Spring summer. Average Yield :12-14 q/ha
Salient Feature
Resistant to MYMV. Maturity duration : 60-65 days

Pusa Ratna

Year of release 2004. Adaptation : Zone NCR for kharif. Yield :12-14 q/ha
Salient Feature
Resistant to MYMV. Maturity duration : 60-65 days
Pusa 0672
Year of release 2010. Adaptation : Zone NHZ for kharif. Yield :10-12 q/ha
Salient Feature
Resistant to MYMV. Maturity duration : 60-65 days

Pusa 9531

Year of release 2000 .Adaptation : Zone CZ for summer .Yield :8-10 q/ha
Salient Feature
Tolerant to MYMV. Maturity duration : 55- 60 days