Pusa Rajat
Salient Characteristics:
A selection among the progeny obtained from the cross between Bindiya x Creamy Green.
The plants are tall and vigorous with a height of 120-143 cm and its spikes are upright and long, ranging from 116-134 cm.
Florets are between 19 – 21 in number on medium long sturdy spikes which last for more than 25 days in field life.
It has rachis length ranging from 80 – 84 cm and vase life in normal tape water is 10-13 days.
It is very good multiplier and each plant produces on an average 3.33 corms and number of cormels are also more ranging from 65-70 per plant.
It is a mid-season variety and florets starts opening from104-108 days after planting.
Floret colour is attractive with main colour white group NN 155 B with red group 37 B shading spot on two tepals as per R.H.S. colour chart. Highly suitable for commercial cut flower production
Vegetative and flower traits | Mean data |
Plant Height (cm) | 143.66 |
Number of shoots per corm | 3.11 |
Number of leaves / shoot | 6.77 |
Days to flowering | 106.66 |
Spike length (cm) | 127.99 |
Rachis length (cm) | 82.00 |
Number of florets per spike | 20.55 |
No. of florets remain open at a time | 7.11 |
Floret diameter (cm) | 10.16 |
Stem thickness at the base (cm) | 2.74 |
Spike longevity (field life, in days) | 27.44 |
Number of corms per plant | 3.33 |
Number of cormels per plant | 68.55 |
Florets vase life of spikes in tap water (day) | 12.66 |

Pusa Manmohak
Salient Characteristics:
Florets Colour: Saffron Red (40 B) with thin whitish stripes on the throat of two oppositely placed lower tepals.
Spikes length: >93.00 cm in length with good rachis length (>55.00 cm).
Numbers of florets: 19 – 21 per spike.
Compact arrangement of florets on all sides of the spike.
Florets remain open at a time: 5-6 .
Corm and cormel production: 2.22 corms and >49 cormels from each mother corm. Days to flowering:100-105 days.
Duration of flowering: 20-25 days.
Highly suitable for commercial cut flower production.
Vegetative and flower traits | Mean data |
Plant Height (cm) | 108.55 |
Number of shoots per corm | 2.33 |
Number of leaves / shoot | 6.77 |
Days to flowering | 104.66 |
Spike length (cm) | 92.00 |
Rachis length (cm) | 56.00 |
Number of florets per spike | 19.99 |
No. of florets remain open at a time | 5.22 |
Floret diameter (cm) | 10.57 |
Stem thickness (cm) | 1.90 |
Spike longevity (field life, in days) | 12.00 |
Number of corms per plant | 2.22 |
Number of cormels per plant | 49.33 |