Released by CVRC in 2015 .Tolerant to lodging, and shattering . Plant height: 53-83cm. Flowering (50%): 39-62days. Maturity: 110-120 days (plain zone). Resistant to yellow mosaic virus, soybean mosaic virus, and bacterial pustule.Tolerant to charcoal rot and Myrothecium leaf spot.
Average Yield: 22.86q/ha (19.64-25.56). Maturity duration : 120-135 days

Tolerant to lodging, shattering, Charcoal rot ,Myrothecium leaf spot and Stem fly. Plant height: 53-83cm. Flowering (50%): 39-62days. Maturity: 110-120 days (plain zone). Resistant to yellow mosaic virus, soybean mosaic virus, and bacterial pustule
Avg Yield 20-25q/ha. Maturity duration : 110-120 days