It is an early maturing cauliflower variety. Average temperature range is 22-27°C. It suits for transplanting during July and reaches markatable maturity during first fortnight of October.
Its curds compact with retentive white colour. The average curd weight is 500-600 with a yield potential of 16.0-18.0 t/ha.
It is an early maturity group cauliflower variety. Optimum temperature 22 – 27 C.The curds are of retentive white colour and compact with net weight of 500-600 g and an average yield of 18 t/ha
It is suitable for early sown conditions beginning June under North Indian Plains and gets ready for harvesting during 2nd fortnight of October.

It is a selection from indigenous material. It is an extra early variety for October maturiy group. It has semi-spreading plants with 30-40 cm height and medium-size, light green petiolated leaves having entire margin.
This variety producs white, compact and small to medium-size curds weighing about 350-400 g. It is ready for harvesting in early October in north Indian plains. The average yield is 12.5 t/ha.