P. 49
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA: THE PATENT OFFICE, 214, LOWER CIRCULAR ROAD, CALCUTTA.17. Specific~tion No. 48125. Application No. 48125,dated 24th September 1952. Complete
Specification left on 24th June 1953. (Application accepted 7th September 1953.)
Spe.c~ficat~onNo. 47715. A~plicatiGn No. ~77~5,dated 21st July 1952. Complete PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION ..
SpeCIfication left on 13th Apnl 1953. (ApplIcatIon accepted 22nd September 1953.)· A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A MINERAL SUPPLEMENT FOR FOOD
THI~ DIRECTOR. 1:<1JL\~1 A.;I"ll~L1cnAL
PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION Tlr r j,,!lI/I":.JIU ,"j/," (prllf dJ,'. d
Thj~ 11 \-1 ntion n'latp") to :l l'lf,('_'~'" for pJ'('d1tl-rI0l1 l·f' l fIll.... ny t," ·dl 'Enl~ll(~I'y d(,',~t:l L1nd thereby prOlllotf> a.
talallCtd Hlne:ral' .....lIj.plf·l1H"IltJ feJ:' the ,-~ttle 111 Illdla
IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO PREPARATION OF TERPENYL MONO } _I: :111\\ [!.l '11, I II dud dt.-\ c.'!f,[,rw-'!.[ (i \ alu ••bIt:..' young caTtlf~.
n~jHeral r1 \un~ flJl' F- lppleILJ.l'lltlIlg tlll' J t l'll~ of r'~[nl(, ,1.u:= "i\..~ ai' !llll t {lbj~,,:t l!-. ltl ""1;lJl,k:t vat tLt- <!t'tiCH::'lH',y of ~lJIl(Jr
CHLORO ACETATES. iUlported ,lucl :H'~: El~lIlL~fnc!llrcd (In fOL,-'llllo' Iualniy Ln~t.::d t': Jr,.,· i_I-nLCll~~ n!L,{,rt .lle llft\\- k'Ul"n to afft~l.t' tl!.c
5 U(JOIl th£- ('Judnioll.., 111-1..'\ arJlllg HI iorcig 1 ctJdntI t~~, l.l,.tl[/I I'~ ,-h ('~tl~h' \',l,~(L an: 11lt<1hi,' llJ "tHatH the:;e fCdlT'i 5
A~ .1 J{',hlt of <::'xt ....n ....t\'c ":.'Xpl..-rtl1l'<..'fll:'-. [,I dt.,r{'rnlln,n'~ tlH'll It ,1"." tl''''tL ii' ludlL'.
KHUSHHAL CHAND GULATI. ORGANICCHEMISTA~D BASANTA GOPAL CHATTERJEE. RESEARCiIAssIs- 111,· IJ11l1,_'/, I n<11ailc. (J~ ;'1l!J;11l lill~~h (~ltt;l;-' {I rl {)j~ r;ll'llU,'" .J! I -liL r)!; Ltr'flt JlJ<l~ h._' I'U"ll[t!'l:-,l hy taktng .'50 pal't~ of
TANT,OF TilE DIVISIONOF CHEMISTRY,INDIANAGRICULTURALRESEARCHINSTITUTE,NEW DELiII, BOTHSUBJECTS lEeL1~, luddl::'l ,i] •.~ It d (,IU, -t'~:' L'!~tr.ltl-"", II 1" tUlilill ,r" ti'~lt Int., 1,111~t vi d1" '·l'" -~"!ll-(,~ l~_. 1,) l'~tl ~L~.ll~J·-·(I ~'" IIi Pi{ ,-d,--lIt:1' HH',il, !,lu,,~ 1·) h,ltt" pal'h :2 ) "f pLlrt" fltlE'l)~ (If COllllllun
'lll'I'l<:I"t.: "f
OF THEH.EPUBLICOF INDIA. LO baJancL' or V'll'lOli"; Illl.I!"'dl ,'If'fIlL'lth .11 ~,11' ....Ll...':' III dltj ( ~'< (, ,lilt ~l." III '-(11'/ ::J~d ': 1',11'" OJ 1'<'L.JlI- 01 10
C,dlCl ar,d 111,-> '1JJl'1'!llr I,f ;1 IlL' J'~-d: IlLg. "I d tl (I~,l- ,iliff'rt nt t!rn· (1_1'1 (,-(·H(l\\ (IX;.JI- o~ JlUlI) \dllc/i Hl't' dlIXl'd TO;~t~t'H::'1
The following specification describes the natu re of this invention. Ull1fIP~ 11.1 J '-PI1 ,lEte r,lilltf'd Tln--(' \;:-,xprlllLI ].1 ....... hl~'''- tl:.t.' "-f,i f\'1,' ]1)1.... of till-:- lJ);\Tr,lL~ t {IZ'" df 1,(t<-I-:':Slllll1 IOf-ll,lp,
(j1., ll:l[~l 1\" ~IUl(llltLr ....("f dltl.-'ll.-l1t l-lernel1, ,,-I i_th ~l nuld ht' /IL.L ('jJ:u' .t LI!l!(~ 'Plt~lu1 , ...,dEdi.d.'::' ut C..lppt"J:) ",·iih 0 1 oz. 3. Patent Application no.: 48125
l-lll,phed t( Llf"-E-' c,lilJe tu keep tllenl ,'1 pt ...:--Lbn-' h.llaIJ-2't.' ')~ ,llfl I~[ LJll'ri(lf' or ,oltrlliC' ,1.:1,1 Ij:: oz (If bOI ie HCI,l ~U''--~
The invention relates to the preparation of mono- mNizatlon and poJimreization, but there are also formed 15 "!lC' good J "D Itlt. "\:"'~': .~ J \dll,te In.i.s.l.1.ilt,~ h lL~t'e.l.ft,;:,r finely ~n ..Iluld and i5
chloro-acetates and its principal object is to provide a 5ull'tantial quantities of terpenyl chloroacetates. nrerC'--,Ole n~iIF' 11l'_' --1I H";Il '..Jt,L,,, h:l"'- ULll ....,lwl l "())lLd !~)'J,--l"i~,l" <;lIPplt'fLPnf" n.·fe .......,lly <-lnd l'10(',_J 1y c"ixtd
... !)th
simple, economic and efficient process for producing To ob1ain better yields, it has been found economical tl 111.UIJ'adl tl,IO' p')~lrl":::' ;/:l:.HlU' (lj It 'Ill i,d·..; :"J.j L:~ll
UII.{ HI1[:] l1f It.,,..,al'.V ]·OJ 1:11:' L lttle-, b~)"'l"j .1l!J(,:1 tht'll 'nlik
compounds. denved from interaction of bicyclic terpenes to use either the terpene or chloroacetic acid in propor- 20 r1E·1,l!ug \~ill;t( !t~c ... h~li.~· I t'~_11 ,,:od.;:·,.l ',II; lJ. P. P.U"
6 (C".H,,) and sesquiterpenes (C"H .. ) obtained directly or tions highE'r than the molar quantities. When the former 6 p:tE.pare 'fILe pr,ll'!l'nl ,hlf'(T ld 'ra1 fh!UT to ill\lllll\ 'lip! ~ J. lflf,)r.~,rC!I(' nllllc't:i i--, io TITLE: A process for the production of a mineral
[I, Lal[l r,ct'd
indirectly from Indian terpentine oil, with mono-chloro- is used In excess the unreacted terpene can be removed deheiencjl':::' r()d,,~ r~ al'i~Q' in COllI "1.:-l.ol1 -. {H, '., \;-11'< ;l\l_':~ (1· ph\, l-i- is ti"
;,,11' fl',~ (,.1
Cl Ill:non
acetic acid. The compounds, so prepared are important by of fractional distillation or steam distilla- 2.1 fll:t~..:nuin II," JU_·.Jl'll uf 111' ....}J L:trll('_ "IH'" :11\" ';·lill'l~,l.;-' t':.d~
intermediates in the production of. organic thiocyanates, tion, Terpenes thus recovered, may be used again in tll~. ",ilicb g ,'., l~ll'i~.c a r~,)qnt.:;" of ~adk :H:'ll to i.'l'Lii.i?-Ct tilea supplement for food for the cattle
used as insecticides for agricultural 21nd public health the process. Usually after the reaction, the mixture
10 purpose,. consists of unreacted terpenes, isomerized and poly- 10
The mono-chloro-acetic acid reacts with the terpenes merized terpE-nes, terpenyl mono-chloro-acetates and
under suitable conditions of temperature, agitation and unreaded mono-chloro-acetic acid. Unreacted mono- A t"ROCESS FeR ThE CQMPIETE ..'"ION SPECfFICATION. SUPPLEMENT fOR FOOD
with or without the use of catalyst and is converted to chloro-acetic aCid may be recovered by solublizing it in FO;::} TH £: CATTL.E. DATE OF FILING: September 24, 1952
terpcnyl chloro-acetate. water, and subsequent concentratIOn and distillation. 'riflE DlnE(TOn~ I~iJJ\""'~ .\l,JlrcCLlT':\l I:, ,;,'H' H 1"nTurE, NEW DELHI (JXDI:'!-
15 The object of this invention is to produce certain Tl1£ i:,!t'''U:ltl'J ~id._(lIi(utl'lri i)'1ft,! [JI"I' /It-/ ,tlu.liJ ill .J£',,-::r~.j,JH'" It c;, t! ,:~", 0f..- I {(' ljl fJuf'lU'd lIutun.: of tlli3 ;" V'/.tUJn anti ihe
'I ....flu'
chloro-acetate compounds, from pinenes, camphene, K. C. GULATI. Tll1.S i1:l\02!(l~.ln It lS 11(;("U dtl,,~lrJpt:d :11J the- I}j"ri,.il.._Pl of {J"'.- '_'pltJe'lit ur '"3]n~lhlp young ~-:lttlE'" A yet another-
carenes and longlfolene, obtained directly or indirectly CheIlL;;;,uT ljl :1 c' .V ))dltOI' ~Lllr-LtLlat \-;<1.1t::IJ ,lr(1I D~'-;11 IIL"I lCi!l('. and 0:,1 \:'~. ...;: :CJ1l--" ,',h1l 1 l 1\, "U!'ldt.'n,'...Ht dH:' l~}J(n~-ll t" aheC't of t!}(", ht13lth or of trace th'.J
nlillo r
.\!2,ri( ,:t~ Ill'~ll
h'1"\-,, nuw
from Indian turpentine oil. B. G. CHATTERJEE, l)u(i,lJ" ~[aH(,l ,;~·t...11 _HaL!!iH' ,1!1 l l.~lJl!..:~ III :l pn ..'c..,'c,:-:, lot' ( --..:.."(I\.:'l\~~i(.ll till';; ~~1'9' urn~Jle to olJLlin frolll th0lr nornli},1 GRANTED DATE: September 07, 1953
The cnvention comprises in reacting the terpene with 5 prot.l.ul·t1.on of IJ.,b_nc'~·llln'il\'lnl ~ll!l,L,l-lEllt \\llirL (':111 con .. 1., d "ll~ l'-)'~Llel' a~ ,~l(' g..::·ut:'rally gJven fo thPHl as fuod in 5
V€Ulently tlw 1o,J.!vl ... 11':J'lJ<-1l'f} ,fnr the CflttlP 11l,-~~<1 ,
20 mono-chloro-acetic acid. in the preSenCE!or otherwise of Signature of Applicant3. b t 1 l~(~t'(l ~Io
'with <:. rlen-- tl !llak.illg 1111i 't' l.b'd ldll ' Lal u ·fiCh llCle:, genc~ _i·_·( (ll' lilt'S to th!~ iiln::'l1t~Oll, tilt: .... InLI1E,raJ snpplelllent
a condensing agent at temperature up to 140 0 C. During l'a:l p pC'ca"_I'llt _I '1l10ll~~ t! t' l~'(l! t11 l~l ILll Ll 1.11:::' '-1,'.--;' "_' JJt"C"!I:t!'pt! lI.y IJ1J:\:(Jl~ r' ~Lthel' in pn1poltioll by
[::: E a '\P I-I ,1~''\- tl hHt, t i \' ';. ll\dL\n {" [... d'~,l ~(,l,L""'l.5' tL 1 'LL::. [Hn,>,l ~1l'(l: ""leI,l;-,~ t and "tl"',;,tn btlHC ilk'a} flU
the reac,tion, the terpene molecules undergo some ISO- Dated the 6th day of June 1952. ,~ lIltl/l\;,'d fL'; l ;:1 !~- ;'l" li.-,t"_l 'llt Jl' ILII 1:1)'" [",':" 1.._1.1.- 1,11 • [I.) !~ (l.:tIl..'JILJll ([l.d)(,ndL,-') (.) IJart;,,> ill( ::lclllnl pho~- 10
(lUIn JdI,)"'t.I·1 ,11lJ d 1." ,I', ,11._1, i ' I: .);, 'i\('ll t 1 11 t . )1 j-,_'Jl~. C:Jll.rnon ....a.!t :2,' p·lrts, ,yeUlI\\' ~Hl!!hl]r J Brief about technology: The invention relates
1be ;l.:d'_~~ \11 I: ,l' It!·, t':' -;: t.', ["I' h rLtL"' j .3-' :1.)\- {' .Hie or iJ'01l :: [)Lllt..:; (Jf the Jl1i:~dlIn?",
J;,ufl't''::.:- ior \,-~It (If t'H.-C I .(~h:_.-.l:-< \11 I:t_'~" .l-LC •.l At .i"Ill"'- 'l~;' h,. Iy "IJ,.rl:~\..rf'd;; In i ('ol of ~)otfl.......il1nl iodide,
·----========c ._---------_. :-t-nL t~ f PI'~i: 1 ,,, 1), .r: ,1' 11 II ,p'.., Ii"' 1'1'-' . .1 in:.! " u, ct l~lall~:;,UI(~<" _""dLJI~:1It.', 1'5 to '2 0Z. of copper
15 the fL{.d~ ct ,_~,,-' ,/ '..,; '-.1 :n~, IIlH" l,d ~dlH II ,!'l) . t ...', I ·1 l (' ()!j (I''!', VI ('ofhl! t (LL01',dc ur cobalt n ltrate 15 to a process for production of balanced mineral
J'l'ln,~ff ctHl,"d Ljl~( t .. Ul. I l( I f:lUlf,·· In:I!IIL- ll<l'£d 1t1'0U l ....-)~ tLl"t l,lt.·J. 'IlI11lL'al P\ ET'y :--UPI'H~ln'=,l'-l-::' f'il' of the 1'olld llllxtlU'l?- l·cl.t<:}P. to yield tho
r},'2~\21,~11~;~ :\- r '(:~~~~'~~':ll~~,l~l~\l~'~~il~r'J~l~~~;~~! ~L,~ cl('tcrnllllill~ '( :1,-" (,~-: tlllal feat Il rt_1 of tIll';" rluentioll IS to rnaintain
COMPLETE SPECIFICATION thp Jt1 1l'::':11 ,~. t (, oJ 1111!i;,.lfi. lti'lt.!l (. <c' H't': (a rat iotl~ tho t. ';Il;,I~lJ.tIO.n l'atl.ll het\\eell tl~e C'alt.'.luI~~ and the phos-
2(t t\-P"~ cf b?l' J ,l,l~{ ... ~!!d ("l)fHtll~l;'·f, iT j'. }ounet 1.11.1.t J; (('1I,l'l1t- III th,' ~\!Pplf'ljH'ni: tond l(laOjP2{1.;;) ,dnch 20 supplement for the cattle.
1; 1'2.)
~MPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO PREPARATWN OF HRPENYL ESTERS. ll.lll-T ['("1' td (I "s,nl' ill!:' C t:" t I, Ill"1::0 vi(·l~J:d"'- ri!rlll1 11 1 :111,<--' :'1' ' l~. .[ 1",:1' rli" Ill'JI,' of [!;nte'- llllll~ "I L1d tH • I." -,' HIll h(lIo\\ IEIJlf'ra]<::. to by P!l-Ill" Clltlp, the h,,-::;t a"'~Llni1.1tjon
: "H.d'iC
!LOllt ... .1.:
KHUSHHAl.. CHAND GULATI, ORGANICCHEMISTANDBASANTA GOPAL CHATTERJEE, RESEARCHASSIS- 2. Patent Application no.: 47715 25 1;,1 ;:-i, J'1. ... ill,-','"t 1111(-:· ,,-i:l~"', !lpnl-, :-1'" ,;l1l"l(.'llt tin i~,t'~' -·hl~,\n Fo' rl'p lJ [t,:.., I; (!II.'III~,<J1.t\8 I:'r~~r- L,'" 1,[ '1 t'l- ( Ir II 'ldfl(,l!'lll ~)Lu·,phl)re ... (P1l101,l. or rnay the hr' foddel~ the i;;:; f1und h:.y
1,~ •.WI(";;
I': ld'li
TANT,0.' THEDIVISIONOF CHEMISTRY,INDIANAGRICULTURALREse;ARCHINSTITUTE,NEW DELiII, BOTHSUBJ.ECTS an\Ollllt-, of did 1{'l\I" ('II{ .\1' 'it \.1-:." II _1" ,;1,1 :-" "ll;'p:JC'f! to f, III .Iu t,ll') ,(,Ivte 'lud tJl!' hUJlf- 11l\~Lll re---pl'l; i,-()J~. Bv thi-.;
Tl{~' C'
OF THEREPUBLICOF INDIA. tl e l,~' It" ill Older t(,. J';:l L'p thClll U! lrlnJU\'~ hH1tlac(' :JIll} J tll~, F!J,_,....pllnnJ .... (IJ],1tnl \ P (.'.:;) wOl'iJ JIf' Ifl('n':Jsed
g"-:"H ,c1 11,~_d t. h" LJ «([IL :lllll (outl'ut Il ~10) 1n~uki COl'l'(' .....pdll<hugly tIe
Th\."\ Pl'H1C"'lp:d ~.!jl('('- t!l ...;:.·I<J:t··...._ Clf tilt::' r'lC-I:1I..t 1l1Ti'ntion I' 'v
The foUowing 3pectfication pa,-ticularly describes and ascerlains the nature of t!lis invention and ao i~ to Ilia!>..(' H' [I ,ld IIp :J l"t'!" ,-,11 . llP:.,j~ l(l(':lt fot' foo,l fOl' ~\l, ;:-1<1 lUl;'ortnut fc.-:.tnl'f' ,.... the J'n\"elltilln is tlH~ per- 30
the manner in which it is to be peTjormed. Title: Improvements in or relating to (.[It..:-!e -1,( IJI ,duel! (' l( '".1.1 "t~ I~)I i" , IH.lh-'~ ,lr-e I(lubinl lJ ...J. ltl :(,1 the l:l;ljJl~aill- (Ii n. (. 'l .. J.'< ", I;l, l'J 1 :il}", .. l (ol~_d~ ..JtioH ntH1 of ]..Jt.l1ll(' t1',1.(1' w:':eu ,:::.ieJllcllt ...... uch It I the ;t~ copper,
Jl ... l'<'''-li
hI...) nL~,l1n'-"'ll
+'0:' C'nj-~lt-' u;
The invention relates to the preparation of terpenyl reacted tergene can be removed by the process of r.J:'I~~r ..'-'·:v 1:'"L1 H 11It..!I ,i. 1.,. ,.1]1 ;"';' eOll\'I'l,'I'lrtly ll~Jrl 'n'p_)ll)Pl,ll~ 'l'L" rll!·pr'illO]}'-. 1'1: 1 .. , "Lt. ~ < ,1 <dt::- to pnn food Ido 10r till' Hc.rnt,11 f,)nn 11n1..rltlon th(>lf of flfldy thp
esters and proposes a simple, economic and efficient fractional distillation or preferably by steam distillation. 3-5 of ~.n-;,.t.' l-~ t1, t:" l,~ TIll!!I:, c},: [~l 1,-:1! .... \,hi,;} r:re t lor nllx:~..,d fnot.1 !,):~:[(::-d; r)t; I {.li H' [10, cOI1..,h- h;;~ \,; , ~!'-, T \-,U<llU-': ChC'1l1(Cn1,-. 11.:;(\,1 111 Llle pl0{hlction of thp
process for producing compounds, derived from the inter- Terpene:; thus recovered ore a mixture of isomers which preparation of terpenyl mono chloro acetates l'f:"E lllL,d{:, t1art:-. fll \.1 01 IlL' \:: In co ~\ill IIlt1''I. the ... fodJer 2oacl~i ,ntb lil till' n~I!,' l',d '.\-. '-.~Pld(lllcnt !.'i\\'-'\Cr, food llP(e".~<-llY,nld rh,lt be of tIlt", ',lIt-- no,'cllaI trado
f,f tlH_' trac('
action of bicyclic terpenes (C,,,H,,) and sesqUlterpenes are more stable and less reactive, than the original ...--\ddtlJE'r obit, [ ,'~ n l11.1, tlw hp.'~l!l ,-,F tile nlil(,~l C1 7[,[1Ir ... n-,'r! III plodll(tion uf 11''''' nllt1E't',tl <""lIpplelnent
.5 (C"H ..) obtained directly or indirectly from Indian material and may be used as thinners in paints and 5 .to <attl(· (){Initl:;::·IH.' '-,ll'l~lLI( (ait!". "t;:-, Dl'ob:ct '-Lt Ill pr'-Jgo-,ly [1)", front aUfl 11' lIl.l ':u1[tct UJ' ...'. bt., rhc·JnicalIy he' fully pHIt.:> .stt.'nl1~f "1/:[ "OHI' J1].':t! ....r~"an, il1g ll"-eu in uncleI' the 40
\, Inch
..(1 by
turpentine oil, with organic acids, e.g., acetic or mono- varnishes. The reaction mixture consists of unreacted JrntI!11E'1y deatl! J JLl th(,~('!}'y IJI'UII1Ul.L,,[l h ...',lh:h,.\- !;,,l'OI,tll [Iud 1'1 r 1 e anJ ...!lvuld .£lot snl(·ll atter st.e.'lll-.a-tion 14
chloroacetic acid. terpenes. isomerized and polymerized, terpenes, terpenyl ~Frice: TWO RJP:OES.
The compounds, so prepared are important inter- esters nnd unreacted acid. Unreacted acid after the Date of Filing: July 21, 1952
mediates in the production of organic thiocyanates, used operation can be recovered by dissolving it in water, and
10 as insecticides for airicultural and public health subsequent concentration and distillation. ]0
purposes. 2. The reaction is generally carried out by mixing the
Detailed investigations have shown that the above terpene, the acid and the condensation agent (catalyst)
mentioned acids react with the terpenes under sl,litable and agitating the mlxture at a suitable temperature. for Granted date: September 27, 1953
conditions of temperature, agitation and with or without 3 to 8 hours so as to complete the reaction. The tempera-
. Iii the use of catalyst and result in the formation of the tures employed may be as low as 25' C. and as high as 15
terpenyl ,~sters. 140" C. For best results, however, it is desirable to
The object of the present invention therefore is to confine to temperatures between 60-85' C.
produce certain chloroacetic esters from pinenes, cam- 3. The condensation agent (catalyst) when employed, Brief about technology: The invention relates
phene, carenes and longifolene, obtained directly or is of the usual acid type, used [or the additIOn of acids
20 indirectly 1\rom Indian turpentine oil. at the double bond of the unsaturated hydrocarbons. 20 to the preparation of mono-chloro-acetates
The present invention comprises in reacting the The use of concentrated sui ph uric acid, 2 per ccnt. on
terpenes with mono-chloro-acetic acid in the presence or the weight of terpene as a catalyst is found to give good
otherwise of a condensation agent which serves as a result,. and its principal object is to provide a single,
catalyst, at temperatures from 25' C. to 140' C. During Any terpenic hydrocarbon may be employed for
25 the reaction, the terpene molecules undergo some iso- acylation, but better results are obtained with camphene, :!5
merization and polimerization, but simultaneously sub- carenes and longifoll'ne. Alpha and beta pinenes of the economic and efficient process for producing
stantial quantities of terpenyl chloroacetates are also turpentille oil, ca'Ji be reacted as such with chloro-acetic
formed durir.g the reaction. acid, l"esulting in the formation of terpenyl chloro-
The formation of chloro-acetatElll may be represented acetates, but better yields are obtained, if one proceeds compounds, derived from interaction of 4. Patent Application no.: 48429
ao by the following equations: ~ith campene, obtained from pinenes. ;10
The esters thus formed, may be purified by steam
C"H,,+HO. CO. CH,CI-C ..H"OCO. CH,Cl distillation or fracti('nal distillation. They can also be bicyclic terpenes (C10H16) and sesquiterpenes
Terpene,. Chloro-acetic acid. TE,rpenyl chloro- hydrolysed with ba.ic materials in either aqueous or Title: Improvements in or relating to preparation of
acetate. alcoholic solution with the liberation of terpene alcohols,
C"H .. +HO . CO . CH,Cl-C"H ..OCO . CH,Cl. which afier lsolilUon can be converted into chloro- I"
.. Sesquiterpene ChIaro-acetic acid. Terpenyl acetates of desired purity, (C15H24) obtained directly or indirectly from terpenyl ethers and alcohols from turpentine oil
'" Chloro-acetate. The following examples are given below by way of
illustra tion ; Indian terpentine oil, with mono-chloro-
35 1", To obtain better results it has always been found
economical to use either the terpenes or the acids in pro- I!:XAMPLE 1. Date of Filing: November 13, 1952
portions larger than tbeir molar quantities. When the Camphene 230 gros.; mono-chloro-acetic acid 150 ((ms. 4[) acetic acid. The compounds, so prepared are
former is used in excess of the molar quantity the un- and sulphuric acid 5 gms. (2 per cent. on the weight of
important intermediates in the production of Granted date: August 19, 1953
organic thiocyanates, used as insecticides for Brief about technology: The object of the present
agricultural and public health purposes.
invention is to provide an efficient and economic
method for the production of terpene derivatives
from bicycle terpenes of the general formula C10H16
and sesquiterpene C15H24which are important
components of Indian oil of turpentine. A further object
is to produce these terpene derivates from pinenes,
careens and longifoline obtained directly or indirectly
from the oil of turpentine.
40 41